Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Vitamin pill to make freckles go away...?

Now, don%26#039;t get me wrong--I like my freckles.

But I remember reading this article somewhere on the internet about some sort of vitamin supplement that allegedly removes freckles, red marks, etc. and also makes your skin snow-white.

Does such a thing actually exist?

Have you ever heard of this before?
Vitamin pill to make freckles go away...?
it wont work``use cover up instead
Vitamin pill to make freckles go away...?
I doubt it,but it can happen? But I havent heard of it.
Reply:no, its just a ploy to get your money
Reply:maybe and no
Reply:oxycontin will do the trick
Reply:did you know if you connect the freckles it will make a pretty picture
Reply:That sounds ridiculous because u can never make freckles go away because every one is unique
Reply:It%26#039;s impossible, there%26#039;s no vitamin pill or indeed any pill which can remove spots of darker pigmentation in the skin - it is rhubarb my love!.
Reply:I have never heard of that, but it has to be fake!

The only thing I know that makes freckles go away is vanishing cream (basically skin bleach). I used it when I was a teenager because I used to hate my freckles. It just made me look really weird and pale.

Make sure you wear sunblock though, because freckles mean your skin is more prone to sun damage.
Reply:noo or any black person that took it would go white like that, as its melanomin that causes both these things.

the best you can do is tan lightly around them, or use false tan.
Reply:You might consider natural skin lightening.

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